There might be many who want to experience the joy of picking by hand. Here’s a roundup of farms around Paris. Let’s make plans for the weekend!
Cueillette de La Grange:
You can pick and collect over 50 varieties of fruits and vegetables on over 35 hectares of land. Depending on the season, you’ll find strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, cabbage, zucchinis, beans, peas, apples, raspberries, plums, cherries, and more.
Cueillette de Rutel:
Rutel’s picking offers 20 hectares of fields bordering the woods. These fields, along with the Dujardin family farm, have been open to the public since 1976, maintained by the family for 6 generations. With over 70 varieties of fruits and vegetables to choose from based on their taste quality, they are grown sustainably. The farm often hosts family activities, so keep an eye out if you’re interested.
Cueillette de Servigny:
La Cueillette de Servigny was born in the 1980s. For nearly 40 years, the Signolle family has been providing residents of Île-de-France with the opportunity to pick their own fruits, vegetables, and flowers near Sénart.
Cueillette de Gally:
Admission to La Cueillette de Gally is free. With 60 hectares of fields near Versailles, you can pick your own fruits and vegetables there. Strawberries, apples, tomatoes, lettuce, and potatoes are available at different times of the year. According to their website, this farm offers a rich selection of fruits for picking, as well as the option to pick fresh flowers.